So 2020 has come to an end, but what has it really left at Ocrim? January carred the enthusiasm of a new beginning.February brought with it gratification for the testing of the handling system of Molinos de Costa Rica that again chose Ocrim. March: concern with the discovery of the spreading of Covid 19, but also tenacity to promptly deal with the situation, taking adequate measures and provisions of containment and perseverance to guarantee operational continuity and non-stop service worldwide, remaining available for our customers. April brought along 75 years of memory, reminding us who we were and what we’ve been able to build, starting from a small Milling Workshop in a town near Cremona. May reminded us of customers’ confidence in us, like Makfa Russia who set up a new investment project, again choosing Ocrim. June helped us rediscover daily life, the values which we took for granted, being able to go back to our day-to-day routine and again relishing the sensation of normality which seemed to be lost. July helped us rediscover love for tradition with the realization of thegrinding line that joins BioStoneMill’s stone grinding technique with modern milling technologies at the organic farm Il Cerreto. August, September, October, November and December left us with much satisfaction for the success achieved by means of the webinar technological tips related to innovation and topics in the field of milling and linked to flour products as well as the many signs of appreciation by new customers and those who for decades have renewed their trust through important trade deals. What have we learned at the end of this troubled 2020? The art of resilience. We all endure and keep working stronger than before with ever new awareness to be spent at your service.