September has finally arrived! The month that all of us await with enthusiasm. It is a special period, marked by our annual event, which is not simply a work meeting, but a real celebration.
I look up, the sun is shining warmly and the airplane trails remind us that the holidays are coming to an end and the return to daily life is imminent.
The prestigious "Egypt-EU Investment Conference" took place on Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 June 2024 at the Al Manara International Conference Center in Cairo.
When I was a child, I was lucky enough to have the time to be enchanted by watching the play of dark and moving shapes that the flocks of birds create in the sky.
It's early in the morning. The sun begins to warm my skin as I run through the streets of the city, until I reach the river banks. The morning light reflects on the buildings of a large company, giving them a golden aura.
Today it is cold and snowing. A few hours ago, I delivered some material to a company in Cremona and parked for a few minutes in front of a square where some work was taking place.
At 6:30am walking along a street in Cremona, I stopped to look up at the sky. It was clear, still lit by the stars with a harmless cloud here and there, from which the moon peaked out.
We continue to invest in Industry 4.0, where product quality, environmental sustainability and the well-being of Human Capital are the real priorities.
The Ocrim Milling Technology School confirms itself once again this year as an educational reference point for students all over the world, who are already part of the milling industry or who have just embarked on this complex path, deserving of attention and proper guidance.
It all started with the first lecture, held at Fulgor theatre of Rimini, a venue that brings to mind the Art Nouveau style and an iconic place for the city, linked to the great director Federico Fellini.
Only a year ago, we told you about major investments in Ocrim's production department (news January 2022). Investments based both on the idea of internal work well-being and on the excellence of the product offered.
Luanda (Angola) – è stato collaudato lo scorso maggio l’impianto molitorio “green field” da 350 T/24h a tenero per Sanabel, con la piena soddisfazione del cliente e del team di Ocrim.
Sariaya (Philippines) – Ocrim's turnkey plant for URC to be tested out in 2024. The state-of-the-art plant was designed with a focus on sustainable industry, using advanced engineering and technology.
“The North Dakota Mill and Elevator Association has a rich and colourful history. Over the past 100 years, many changes have occurred to mill facilities, personnel and management. The one consistent factor has been the passion and support of the North Dakota Industrial Commission, North Dakota Legislators, mill employees, and producers across the state, all striving to make the State Mill the best it can be.”
A new chapter in Ocrim corporate communication is beginning. The information channel ‘O|News LIVE’, conceived and designed to allow you to learn anything Ocrim and much more, will be broadcast starting January 2023.
‘At Ocrim, we have understood how we need to work and how important it is to research and know everything about the raw material so that we can achieve excellent results. We sell technology all across the globe, also to emerging countries. It is our aim and wish to make sure that our international clients always feel as if they are at the heart of our business,’ said Alberto Antolini, CEO of Ocrim, during his welcoming address at the start of the ninth edition of ‘Grano, farina e…’ [Wheat, flour and...] before a packed audience of friends and clients from across the world.
JWell, there you are… we were able to satisfy our numerous customers and friends who asked us to organise “Wheat, flour and…” and we did it. We came through!
Just a year ago in another article, we described the success of Ocrim-FBC, one of the company's flagship departments. The success has continued, and has acted as a stimulus to make increasingly innovative choices, to meet the demands and needs of all our customers, whether new or long-standing.
This is it: be the first to find out what surprise we have in store for you. The Ai-lati blog is now
up and running and has had a complete makeover. We have rearranged content to make it
easier for you to search for published articles and offer you a more enjoyable browsing
experience, by combining the Italian and English versions of the website.
Ocrim school to open in autumn 2022
Courses on applied milling technology are due to start in September. They will be based on a 4.0 training concept, with practical tests at the Milling Hub.
Mission Complete
Today is a great day for Ocrim and for all of you. Since last April 6th the crew of the MIRCO1 mission has been engaged in some part of the Universe in an action to save a planet, and an extrasolar civilization, which has wheat as its only great sustenance. We have finally re-established a contact with the crew, lost since 13th April.
43R Alert procedure - Emergency activated at level 3
In Cremona head office we are always committed to study and implement new solutions to optimize our customers' plants. The excitement and anxious expectations for the new future path we have undertaken, are growing. The announcement or our news is coming shortly...
Our crew landed on alien ground and now is ready to provide the necessary help.
The operation will allow the aliens to continue their activities to meet their needs. To preserve an efficient and safe plant is very important.
We announced great news for 2022!
In this second episode, Ocrim's journey towards the future begins with launching and navigating on the space route. Read the logbook and observe our crew take off to get another little clue about what is going to happen.
Over the last few years, the demand for standard plastic and antimicrobial sieves has increased exponentially. Our customers around the world often ask us to clarify the differences and benefits of these innovative sieves compared to conventional wooden sieves and similar products available on the market.
Are you ready? 2022 will be an important year for Ocrim. For our 77 years of history we have just started a new path. We will announce soon the arrival of great news, which we are sure you will like. It is appropriate to say that a futuristic season is opening for our company. Let's start from here...
Khartoum (Sudan) – Morouj Commodities L.T.D., founded in 2005, is considered among the largest companies in the food packaging, processing, importing, and exporting sector in Sudan, providing a diversified range of products to fulfill every brand promise to its stakeholders.
Dear Friends and Customers,
In line with the hospitality concept of the hO located in Cremona, Ocrim has created spaces dedicated to business meetings and the stay of its customers and friends in some cities around the world.
Dear Customers and Friends,
it is with great regret that we inform you that Ocrim S.p.A. and Paglierani S.r.l. will not be present at Ipack-Ima 2022.
As we did two years ago, we will contribute with a donation to support those who work each day to be able to return to normality as soon as possible.
While looking forward to being able to meet face to face soon around the same table without any worries, below we provide the official press release from Dr. Sergio Antolini and Eng. Alberto Antolini.
To provide increasingly performing products, Ocrim continues to invest to boost its production department, integrating 2D laser cutting and a third robotic welding station.
Dear friends and customers of this great family,
we started life in the early twentieth century and have always been true to our roots.
So what is our shared goal? To continue to be original.
What is the secret of our success? Doing normal things in an unusual way.
Inspired by the positive feedback and growing and dynamic involvement in the OcrimWebinars, we decided to create the new OCRIMONDEMAND forum. This will allow for greater and more tactile interaction between Ocrim’s experts and you, the customers and followers.
Following the success of the OcrimWebinar on 13 October conducted by Ocrim’s Sales and Marketing Manager, Stefano Mazzini, we announce that the website dedicated to Superior - - is now online.
Paris (France) - On September 15th, Alberto Antolini, Ocrim CEO, and the staff flew to Paris to meet Mansour Ben Haif Al-Kahtani, CEO of Haif Company, to sign a new agreement that will see them together in the realization of a new important project on behalf of SAGO (Saudi Grains Organization).
Cremona (Italy) – Right here in our area of Cremona, on Saturday the 25th of September at the Cremona palace Hotel, the first technical day dedicated to the milling industry that the Antim association has organised since the forced stop imposed by the pandemic emergency was held. A must-attend event for everyone who works at mills or who, in some manner, operates in the milling sector. Great attendance was expected, thanks to an interesting program which saw Ocrim and the Milling Hub as protagonists.
Last June – the month celebrating Italian Republic Day - Ocrim thanked several important Italian companies for having contributed to making our nation an example of excellence and social solidarity throughout the world. Companies that have recently increased their business, despite the difficulties related to the consequences of COVID 19, by choosing to invest in Italy, the first western country hard hit by the pandemic.
Back in 2017 Ocrim officially launched the innovative plastic antimicrobial sieve on the market. The result of a sophisticated biotechnological/engineering study that produced the results that translated into an actual revolution for those who own or work in mills on a daily basis.
Ciminna (Palermo, Italy) – The awareness of relying on a winning partner and the certainty of being able to obtain significant results thanks to highly technological and qualitative machinery led Daniele Cassata, Managing Director of Molino San Vito Società Cooperativa, to entrust Ocrim, in June 2019, with the modernisation of its durum wheat plant for the production of semolina..
Cremona (Italy) - on June 29th, at Ocrim’s headquarters, the agreement was formally signed between AGCO, a world-renowned company in the design, production and distribution of precision agricultural machinery and technology, and Ocrim, a primary player in global level in the production of milling plants supplied "turnkey" and through tailor-made solutions.
Felizzano (Italy) - The new 3 T/h line for storing, transporting and dosing of different types of cereals and derivatives to obtain special flours useful for the production of trendy food products, also using stone grinding, was tested on the 31st May.
Cremona canal port (Italy) – Ocrim’s CEO, Alberto Antolini, has given the go-ahead for the creation of the new department for managing the grinding rolls, which will include fluting, grinding and balancing stations and an innovative system for coating the rolls in titanium.
Sergio Antolini on May 16th will present his new book "Argonaut": an accurate anthropological-cultural analysis, which takes the reader on a synaesthetic journey that starts from the Wheat and ends with the Bread.
Modica (RG, Italy) - “When we decided to build a new mill, distinguished for its energy savings, we had no doubts: Ocrim is the partner with the right means and technology to come up with an innovative strategy that is able to fulfil our needs”.
About four years ago, Ocrim took over FBC, a long-established company based in Medesano (Parma, Italy). The business has been manufacturing end-of-line systems since 1980, specialising in palletising and packaging in bags, bundles and other forms of packaging.
Grand Forks (USA) - North Dakota Mill has entrusted Ocrim with the construction of two new milling plants and the revamping of an existing one. A real challenge that Ocrim accepted without hesitation.
Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso) – Ocrim, fifteen years down the line, has supplied a new plant to SBCI Industrie, a company forming part of Groupe Hajjar.
The investor is someone who believes in a better tomorrow.
Ocrim believes it and that is why we dedicate more than 7.5 million euro in expansion and company improvement for the three-years period 2021-2023.